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Ce as folosi daca blogul ar fi pe wordpress?

Daca as folosi Wordpress in loc de Blogspot cred ca as folosi urmatoarele:  
Tema: Frontier, de Ronangelo
Despre tema

Frontier is a multi-purpose, HTML5 and CSS3 WordPress theme. It lets you choose between 1, 2 or 3 column layouts while offering independent template layouts for pages. The theme’s responsive design makes it compatible with a wide variety of devices and screen resolutions. Frontier is easy to customize through its wide array of options that are simple and easy to understand. It has a lot of strategically placed Widget Areas and Action Hooks that helps achieve a higher level of customization. Theme features include favicons, logos, header images, color options, custom css, a simple image slider, rtl support and a whole lot more. Frontier accomplishes all this while maintaining a minimal file size for a fast and efficient WordPress experience.
Tags: Black, Blue, Custom Background, Custom Colors, Custom Header, Custom Menu, Dark, Editor Style, Featured Images, Fixed Layout, Flexible Header, Full Width Template, Left Sidebar, Light, Microformats, One Column, Responsive Layout, Right Sidebar, RTL Language Support, Sticky Post, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Three Columns, Translation Ready, Two Columns, White

1. Akismet

2.WP Social Sharing
Fara prea multe pluginuri, fara prea multe widgeturi. Caci cu cat un site este mai plin de tot felul de nebunii cu atat se incarca mai greu.
Mai jos o poza a unui site ce il detin (cel putin la momentul actual):
 Consider ca acesta este modelul de aur, cel putin pentru mine, a ceea ce trebuie sa arate un site, blog. Simplu, clar, usor de utilizat.


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